Outsourcing Custom Software Development: Yay or Nay?

Businesses that invest in custom software development enjoy advantages many of their competitors do not. Because custom software is tailored to your enterprise’s specific needs, it helps ensure the software includes all the features and functionalities you need to streamline your business processes.

It isn’t always easy deciding between custom software and less expensive off-the-shelf options. And once you choose to go the custom software route, you must determine if you want to handle it in-house or through outsourcing. While in the end most SMBs find custom software offers more benefits than mass-produced solutions, there are a few downsides worth considering.

Here’s a look at the pros and cons of outsourcing custom software development for your business.

Biggest Benefits of Custom Software Development

Access to high-quality talent, convenience, and cost-effectiveness are the reasons most businesses cite for outsourcing custom software development. Additional advantages include:

A Unique & Innovative Product

If no two enterprises are exactly alike, it makes sense each company needs software that meets unique business needs. Customized software solutions are designed to align with your business goals while providing your organizations with ample opportunity to grow.

Superior Scalability

Nearly every SMB wants to grow its business by creating novel products, services, and processes. In many cases, pre-designed software can’t meet your growth needs, and productivity and functionality suffer as a result. When you attempt to modify off-the-shelf software to accommodate your goals, disruptive bugs and failures often occur. Custom software development is designed to handle business growth in a bug-free manner. You get the specific solutions you need now and can update your custom software for years to come without purchasing new products.

Improved Productivity

Custom software comes with far fewer disruptions than ready-made software. Because employees have all the features and capabilities they need, they’re able to work more efficiently and perform their job duties with greater confidence and enjoyment. Work is completed in a shorter amount of time, which is beneficial to your bottom line.

Increased Return On Investment

Some businesses hesitate to invest in custom software development due to a perceived higher cost. It’s true hiring specialists is often more expensive than paying in-house developers, but that’s a short-term vision. Custom software development does tend to cost more upfront, but in the long-term, you receive more in return for your investment. For instance, there’s no need to purchase new or additional hardware, acquire expensive licenses, or pay for features employees will most likely never use.

Easy Integration

Custom software development makes it far easier to seamlessly integrate your software with other programs. You can more efficiently update businesses processes and make the shift to cloud and mobile solutions, which gives you a competitive edge in the market and greater efficiency in the workplace.

Ongoing Technical Support

Even the best built software has the occasional bug or need for an update. With custom software development, you can access continuous support from a team of dedicated IT professionals, minimizing downtime and keeping your business processes running efficiently.

As to downsides to outsourcing custom software development, the two greatest disadvantages are the risk of the development company going out of business and communication problems. Lack of control over the project is also a concern, as is security. The key to avoiding these drawbacks is making sure you hire a custom software development company with the experience and expertise you need by asking the right questions.

Which Outsource Engagement Model’s Right for You?

Done right, outsourcing custom software development is your secret weapon for ongoing innovation and sustainable growth. Depending on your needs, you might require one of three different outsource engagement models:

  1. Project based. Your outsource partner manages the entire project according to your specifications. It oversees the project and delivers a final product to you.
  2. Dedicated team. You get an expert team of developers who work outside your organization. You share ownership of project direction.
  3. Staff augmentation. You add expert developers to your existing in-house team. You keep full control over the project and save the expense of hiring additional employees.

Niche-Specific Custom Software Development for Every Industry

Zibtek is equipped to handle whichever engagement model your business needs. We can fully develop your product from start to finish or expand your team to ensure your project stays on track. For over a decade, we’ve developed custom software for growth-minded businesses, become leaders in their field. We’ve made online education more accessible, patient analysis more efficient, workplace screening more streamlined, and much more. We believe that with the right approach, your business can easily circumvent any disadvantages of custom software development and obtain the powerful software solutions you need. To learn more, reach out to us today.