How to Go Global for Real Results

You’ve been hearing about the low prices offered by offshore software developers and outsourced web development companies for years. You’ve also heard the horror stories of people who decided to “save money” with offshore assistance and ended up all but destroying their companies with delays, cost overruns, bad work product, or a complete failure to deliver. Given this conflicting information, it’s little wonder that you’re still on the fence when it comes to the idea of working with an international team of developers and software engineers.
The problems with traditional offshore development methods are legion, it’s true.
Communication difficulties, cultural differences, lack of day-to-day oversight, and other problems can quickly offset any upfront cost-savings you were expecting. This situation leaves you not only paying more but uncertain of the results you can expect or when you can expect them. There’s a lack of control and a lack of accountability in the typical approach to offshore mobile, web, and software development; the traditional way of outsourcing development tasks is high-risk and low-reward. Thankfully, we didn’t get successful by doing things the traditional way, and our clients definitely appreciate the difference.

Zibtek Offers Real Management of Real Offshore Talent

Communication is paramount to any collaborative process, and offshore software development is no exception—in fact, there’s hardly a better example of the importance of communication. Whether it’s a simple web development project, native mobile app development for an existing program, or full-scale software engineering from the ground up, Zibtek has a team of top international talent ready to take on your development project. Our US-based project managers have communication processes in place to ensure that developer teams clearly understand the goals and timeline of our client’s projects.
We make sure our clients are an integral part of the process and are kept in the loop with weekly “standups” (meetings so short you don’t have time to sit down) that provide a progress update. Of course, longer discussions are had as necessary to sort out project details and deliver the results you need. Our large and well-managed talent network also enables us to assign tasks effectively, using people with the strongest skill sets in the areas and technologies you need at each step along the way rather than forcing you to use a “jack of all trades” for all elements of your development or software build. You get expertise and efficiency you can count on, without the in-house expense of a full development team.
Finally, we don’t box ourselves in with fixed-bid projects that often lead to cut corners, inferior software, and mobile/web development that carries inflated costs with underwhelming performance. Zibtek works carefully with each client to set a realistic budget in the planning phase, and we deliver fully-fledged solutions that meet or exceed all of your development needs on an evolving basis. We make your offshore team a responsive, accountable, and communicative part of your organization for as long as you need them, without the expense when you don’t.
Want to discuss your project and see how Zibtek can help? Get in touch with us today!