Web application development software helps developers work with a variety of technologies, providing faster development at lower costs. Which development platform you choose to build your web application has a far-reaching impact, as it’s the backbone of your application. This post covers several considerations for making an informed decision.

Web Application Development Software

How Web Application Development Software Works

Web applications utilize web browsers and web technology to perform tasks over the internet. They allow for better communication between businesses and their customers. They’ve become such a common part of modern life, yet few people even realize they’re using one. The simplest example of a web app is a contact form on a website. Other examples include web apps that let employees collaborate and work on shared documents. Spreadsheets, video and photo editing, and file conversion are web applications, too.

Most web apps have short development cycles and can often be created by small teams. An Agile approach to web application development focuses on the collaboration of all stakeholders and provides a better procedure for revisions and progression of web application requirements. The Agile methodology includes research, analysis, design, programming, project management, frequent testing, implementation, adaptation, and maintenance.

Web Application Development Software

Different Types of Web Application Development Software

Until the 1990s, web applications were relatively simple and mainly used by academic and technology groups. Today, they’re much more sophisticated and offer many benefits as they:

  • Require less support and maintenance and have lower tech requirements.
  • Reduce costs for end-users and businesses.
  • Always up-to-date.
  • Are equally accessible by all users, which eliminates compatibility issues.
  • Can be run on multiple platforms regardless of operating system or device.

Zibtek’s developers are skilled in working with numerous web application development software solutions to build web applications.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a dynamic, general-purpose interpreted language that resembles English. Rails is the web development framework designed to make creating new software in Ruby less tedious. It helps developers quickly build websites of any complexity and is suitable for a broad range of programming tasks. It’s often used for projects like eCommerce, social networks, SaaS solutions, and informational portals.


AngularJS is an open-source structural framework for dynamic web apps. When you use HTML as your template language, Angular lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express an application’s components succinctly and clearly. The framework’s data binding and dependency injection help eliminate a great deal of the code you’d otherwise need to write. Its main objective is to help you develop single-page applications. It emphasizes code quality and testability and is used by major players like PayPal, Amazon, Netflix, and more.


Facebook developed React in 2011 for its own use in creating components for web applications. Today, it is an open-source solution used by many Fortune 500 companies who value its flexibility, support resources, great performance, and easy testing. As it’s easy to learn, it delivers a great developer experience.

Website Application Development Software

How to Choose Web Application Development Software

JavaScript-friendly frameworks like Ruby, React, and Angular help developers build web applications with dynamic front ends and solid back ends. They are some of the leading web technologies in the world today and are instrumental in building many amazing web apps.

When selecting the right web app development platform for your project, it’s essential to pick one that helps you avoid typical developer stumbling blocks.

  • Framework expertise. Developers must have extensive knowledge of any software so they can use it to its maximum potential.
  • User experience. It’s not uncommon for developers to focus too much on coding while ignoring UX/UI. It’s essential to use a platform that strikes the perfect balance between user experience and coding complexity.
  • Security. Web application cyberattacks rose by 800% in just the first half of 2020. Be sure to choose software that meets current security standards.
  • Scalability. Any web application software you choose should be able to match a company’s growth without compromising speed and performance.

To ensure you make the right choice, clearly identify the goals you’re trying to achieve and find the right team with the experience and expertise needed to take your web application development to the next level.

Zibtek’s talented web developers dedicate themselves to the highest quality engineering. With their gorgeous designs, cutting-edge code, and exceptional usability, we like to say our web apps are the perfect combination of beauty and brains. To learn more about web application development software or to talk with one of our experts, get in touch with us today.