Imagine if every time you went to a bookstore, each book was housed in its own room. To find what you’re looking for, you need to move from one room to the next, each time entering a new space that requires you to orient yourself with the layout and adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. After exploring dozens of rooms and still not finding what you came for, you’ll likely walk out. Sadly, no one wins; you lose time you’ll never get back, and the store loses money as the inconvenient and discouraging setup fails to engage potential customers.

Now picture being in a digital bookstore where every available title is nicely displayed on a single interactive table. You effortlessly scroll away, clicking on books that interest you and reading summaries and reviews without leaving the table. Everything you want or need is right there in front of you.

Which experience would you choose?

Single-Page and Multi-Page Applications

In the world of web application architecture, single-page applications (SPAs) are contained within a single web page. Unlike traditional multi-page applications (MPAs), which load new pages each time a user takes an action, SPAs dynamically update the content on the page without requiring a full page reload. This allows for a smoother and more responsive user experience, similar to that of a desktop application. They’re suitable for various use cases, including social media platforms, real-time applications, and productivity tools.

SPAs typically rely on JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as AngularJS, to handle the client-side rendering and manage application state. The framework provides tools and abstractions that simplify the web app development process and handles tasks like routing,
data fetching, and component management.

In the context of our bookstore analogy, an SPA is akin to having all the books neatly displayed on the single interactive table. AngularJS is the efficient shop owner who curates the book collection to ensure seamless navigation, dynamic updates, and an enhanced user experience. It does this by reducing page reloads and improving interactivity. It can also provide offline capabilities through caching mechanisms, allowing users to continue using the web app even with limited or no internet connectivity.

Graphic describing what Angular JS is
Benefits of Using AngularJS for Web App Development

What is Angular JS?

Created and maintained by Google, the AngularJS framework is a comprehensive platform for building web applications. The latest version, often called "Angular 2+" or “Angular," provides a robust set of tools, libraries, and features that facilitate the development of dynamic, scalable, and high-performance web apps.

Popular with brands like Amazon, PayPal, and Netflix, Angular’s main objective is to help businesses develop SPAs that leverage features like two-way data binding, component-based architecture, and powerful template syntax to deliver exceptional user experiences that drive customer satisfaction and engagement.

However, SPAs can be more complex to develop than traditional MPAs, as they require a greater emphasis on client-side logic and sometimes introduce SEO-related and initial load time challenges. They also often need careful memory and resource management, as the entire application resides in a browser's memory.

Outsourcing AngularJS web development or augmenting your internal team with experienced Angular engineers can be a smart approach to overcoming these complexities.

The Benefits of AngularJS for Web App Development

Angular brings a boatload of advantages to web app development, such as simplifying development, enhancing user experience, and promoting efficient development team collaboration.

  • Modularity and code organization. Angular promotes a modular approach to building applications that enhances code organization, reusability, and maintainability, making it easier to develop and scale complex applications.
  • Two-way data binding. This powerful feature establishes synchronization between the model (data) and the view (UI), allowing changes in one to automatically be reflected in the other and vice versa, simplifying the management and updating of data and reducing manual efforts and potential bugs.
  • Dependency injection. Angular has a built-in dependency injection (DI) system that makes it easy to manage dependencies between different components and services. It also enables the creation of loosely coupled and reusable code, so it’s easier for engineers to write unit tests, enhance code maintainability, and improve application scalability.
  • Enhanced productivity. A comprehensive set of tools, libraries, and features that streamline development and boost productivity are what make Angular a darling of the web app development world. Its extensive ecosystem of resources simplifies common development tasks, accelerates the development process, and lets developers create high-quality web apps with efficiency and ease.
  • Strong community support. Angular has nearly 2.5 million active users and a large community of developers worldwide who share extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources. The Google Angular team provides regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements
    to the framework, ensuring long-term support and stability.

While Angular is a preferred choice for building robust and scalable web apps, it’s worth noting that the framework has a steeper learning curve than others. The choice of framework for your project ultimately depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the development team.

Are There Times to Choose a Framework Other Than Angular JS?

Yep, like any other software development project, there are times when a “popular” framework isn’t necessarily the right choice for your project.

Don’t get us wrong—we’re big fans of Agular’s ability to build scalable and reliable web apps. But sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to use Angular, such as for:

  • Short-term projects or those with limited budgets and resources.
  • SEO-optimized apps that would probably benefit from more SEO-friendly frameworks like ReactJS, NodeJS, and Rails, as they provide efficient server-side rendering, high-performance handling of traffic, and built-in SEO-friendly features,
  • Lightweight web apps with static content, such as landing pages.
Graphic with reasons why you should use Angular JS
Benefits of Using AngularJS for Web App Development

What Else Should I Use Angular JS For?

Together with large and complex web apps, projects that can benefit from Angular include:

  1. Enterprise web apps
  2. Apps with dynamic content
  3. Progressive web apps
  4. Long-term projects
  5. Cross-platform compatibility
  6. Apps that require high-level stability

Should I Outsource Angular JS Web Development or Hire Internally?

That depends. Outsourcing can be beneficial when you have limited in-house expertise or resources. Hiring internally, on the other hand, gives you direct control over the development process.

In the end, the best choice is the one that finds the perfect balance between cost, expertise, flexibility, and your project’s specific requirements. Sometimes, the ideal solution is a hybrid one, where you augment your internal team with external experts when needed.

Why Zibtek for AngularJS Development?

Partnering with Zibtek for web app development means working with a team of experienced Angular developers committed to delivering high-quality results. We offer a seamless collaborative experience, providing transparent communication, regular updates, and personalized support that ensure visually stunning and intuitive interfaces that delight users and help you meet your business goals.

To learn more about the latest relase of Angular check out this post.

Reach out to us today to learn more.